기업명GaussN2021-11-30 18:49
CategoryCurrentResidentCompany > Asset Management
대표Kim Min-ki

Robo-advisor mobile asset management app

GaussN finds possibilities, risks, and new customer needs from everything that can be expressed in numbers. By following the greatest mathematician, Karl Friedrich Gauss's philosophy of "rare but perfect," we seek perfect value by exploring and verifying our clear services that we could provide to our customers.

GaussN is an asset management fintech startup established by financial traders and quants in 2020. Provide personalized Robo-advisor algorithms by modeling the characteristics of investors and investment assets.


Representative  Kim Min-ki

Date of establishment   2020/09/09

Contact   010-3428-2859  |  ymlee@gaussn.com |  www.gaussn.com

Business area   Robo-adviser

The number of executives and staff  6

Business status and achievement

- Participated in the KOSCOM testbed: Currently operating 4 strategies

Developed Robo-advisor Mobile App Completed: Alpha test scheduled


- Developed CSI500 Enhanced Index operating system and exported to mainland China


Future business plan

- Developed CSI500 Enhanced Index operating system and exported to mainland China-  Major target markets: Domestic and foreign prominent financial institutions

-  Commission/consultant, consignment management service-  2021: Currently investment in Series-A is being discussed  

 -Released Robo-advisor mobile app

-  Developed a virtual asset management strategy 


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