기업명Horizon Technologies Inc.2021-11-30 19:03
CategoryCurrentResidentCompany > Remittance/Payment
대표Cho Dong-hyun


Quantrack AI is an International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) securities analysis engine patent technology that evaluates the value of all listed companies around the world, diagnoses portfolios, rebalances, and provides risk reports through personalized portfolio dashboards. Quantrack data, first found by five major financial companies in Korea, is highly reliable and provides information that can be invested easily by anyone with visual reports. 


Representative  Cho Dong-hyun

Date of establishment   2020/04/01

Contact  02-6081-0503 |  info@hoztec.com |  https://quantrack.hoztec.com/

Business area   Financial investment/asset management

The number of executives and staff  9

Business status and achievement

- Signed an MOU with KB Financial Group 

- Signed an MOU contract with BNK Kyongnam Bank and signed a contract on financial information data in daily life

- Won a Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) Governor Award of Seoul Financial Week

- Selected as KB Starters and the 1st KB Innovation Hub (S Valley)  

- Selected as the 4th BNK PinTech Lab

- Selected as a BSW Bounce 2021

- Selected as a Bustalaxel 2021

- Attracted investment (Seed): Alchemy Star Partners

- Certified as a venture company


Future business plan

-- In early 2022, we are discussing with executives  to link Quantrack data with NH Namuh Securities.

- By the first half of 2023, we will get licensed as a MyData business and will expand to stock portfolio diagnosis, rebalancing, and recommendation service for individual investors.

- By 2025, it will grow into a global financial deep-tech company that provides AI investment solutions by translating into 17 languages and modeling 2.5 million significant portfolio data from 6 million global users.


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